Images of Urban Osprey Bird Nests on man-made structures in SW Florida..
<Image of Osprey Ma with 3 chicks in nest arranged above a large street sign across SW Florida Boulevard>

Food for thought from Wolf Peter Weber's Adventures in Birding...
Above: captured during the first days of May 2010 in SW Florida. Below: on top of
a 10 story high building across from the beach at Bonita early 2016. Absent suitable trees
within a mile or so of fishing prospects, ospreys more and more resort to building their nests
on man-made structures. A sad state of affairs. Although the ospreys don’t seem to much care.
By every generation these birds adjust to the environment man has shaped around them.
What better comment but Joni Mitchell’s “they paved paradise and put up a parking lot”...
And whatever else.

Image by Wolf P. Weber of Osprey in nest on top of a large bulding, surrounded by electronic wires and gear.
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